Elizabeth Sholtys, frustrated by her volunteer experiences in Pune with overcrowded government-run orphanages, resolves to start her own home for children. Six friends around the world join her to form the Ashraya Initiative for Children by enrolling 12 out-of-school girls from the neighborhood in local elementary schools.
Elizabeth Sholtys, frustrated by her volunteer experiences in Pune with overcrowded government-run orphanages, resolves to start her own home for children. Six friends around the world join her to form the Ashraya Initiative for Children by enrolling 12 out-of-school girls from the neighborhood in local elementary schools.

The Residential Program expands to 11 children and the Education Outreach Program grows to include 40 children and a separate center in the slums. Students are unable to attend school, however, if a parent or guardian becomes sick and the child is required to provide support at home giving rise to The Health Outreach Program .

Ashraya launches an Early Childhood Education component to the Education Outreach Program, enrolling 50 new children ages 3-6 in a homegrown preschool program. To accommodate these additional classes, the Education Outreach Program moves into another building down the road, while the Health and Community Outreach Programs remain at the old center, bringing Ashraya’s total facilities count to 3. At the Residential Program, Ashraya welcomes its 12th child, Poonam.​

Ashraya launches an in-house counseling program to enhance support services available to Education Program students. In addition to regular counselling sessions, the new counsellor runs regular gender discussion groups for our older students, in which important, relevant issues like child marriage and gender roles are discussed. The Residential Program expands to 14 with the addition of 12-year-old Suraj.​

Ashraya enrolls 83% of the students from the community into low-income affordable private schools from government schools for better accountability and quality education. For the very first time we have 307 children and 125 families enrolled in all programs. ​

Ashraya enrolls 83% of the students from the community into low-income affordable private schools from government schools for better accountability and quality education. For the very first time we have 307 children and 125 families enrolled in all programs. ​
Ashraya enrolls 83% of the students from the community into low-income affordable private schools from government schools for better accountability and quality education. For the very first time we have 307 children and 125 families enrolled in all programs. ​
Ashraya commences a new program, ‘Hamari Shala’, which supports students as a whole school, providing teachers with the opportunity to delve into all academic subjects inclusive of value-education, life-skills and other non-scholastic subjects focussing on contextual understanding of the communities core concerns like violence, hygiene, substance abuse and gender disparity.